The charm of observation

Sight nymphing is visual fishing based on observation. Unlike a gobble that everyone will see, detecting a fish feeding underwater is often the result of keen observation. Once the fish has been spotted, you need to present it with a discreet and precise artificial feed that will evolve naturally at the right depth. The idea is quite similar to dry fly fishing, but the third dimension (depth) makes the exercise more delicate: you can no longer see your lure, and dragging (unnatural drifting) remains the enemy... But now it's invisible. The touch is also very subtle. We rely on the behaviour of the fish to detect whether the lure is taken (or refused). In short, this is fishing where there is rarely any room for guesswork. Success is often the reward for observation and a well-honed technique. Sometimes you have to stalk for a long time, but you end up with very few hooks. The first few passes are decisive, and you rarely get many attempts on our overfished public courses. The approach also plays a major role, as we fish at relatively short distances. You have to react quickly, both to present the fish in the right place and to strike at the slightest sign of a catch. But when you feel the heaviness at the other end of the line that lifts the uncertainty, what a Pleasure... Commencer la configuration

Les blanks adaptés

For this type of fishing, which is mainly aimed at Trout and Grayling, we need Blanks that meet exacting specifications. You'll need to cast a small nymph quickly and accurately from the end of a long, thin leader. Manoeuvrability plays its part when you need to deploy a long leader in a crowded environment. Although nervous, the blank must also be able to hold beautiful fish on fine to very fine nylon diameters.

  1. Rodbuilders Republic LighHouse 864 : 8'6'' Silk 4. The perfect blank for light Sight nymphing. Its lightness and manoeuvrability are outstanding. It's easy to fish and fabulously responsive. It excels at quickly pulling out a long, fine leader, precisely setting down a lightly weighted nymph and letting it drift naturally towards the target fish. Excellent reaction to hooking and excellent hold on the fish. This is THE blank for Grayling and fine Trout fishing.
  2. FP864-4 : 8.6' Silk 4. Blank slightly more powerful than the LH864-4. It's the right blank for those who like a lot of control and a fast casting style. It will take a wf5 perfectly when wind conditions demand it. It qualifies as a #4.5...
  3. North Fork Composite FAF 904 : 9' Silk 4/5. Very light and powerful, it's above all a blank that shines for the control it offers. With its rather dry tip action, extremely Live bait whip, high line speed and precise landing, this is a rod for fishing big fish on slightly stronger leaders. It's a rod capable of ultra-fast hook-ups. It's also a formidable rod for dry fly fishing at medium and long distances.
LightHouse 864 # 4 LightHouse 864 # 4

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Accurate animation


Power reserve

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FP 864-4 FP 864-4

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Accurate animation


Power reserve

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LMX FAF 904-4 LMX FAF 904-4

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Accurate animation


Power reserve

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Nos poignées conseillées

The choice of handle is essentially a matter of personal taste. However, as Sight nymphing is a precision technique practised at short to medium range, we often prefer the half-wells shape, which allows a grip with the index finger on top, optimal in these conditions.

Les anneaux compatibles

Guide packs are made up of one Double-legged ring and the rest single-legged rings. There are ten Blank rings, plus one Guide ring. The breakdown is given on the Guide pack product sheet.

Alps Guides are made of corrosion-resistant 316 chromed stainless steel. The color is Dark Titanium Smoke. Very sturdy. Excellent value for money.

Recoil Guides are made of Titanium. They are lightweight and have a shape memory that gives them flexibility. Even if you bend a Guide, it comes back in place.

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NB : La configuration suivante n'est pas une canne déjà montée. Il s'agit de l'ensemble des éléments vous permettant de vous construire votre canne à pêche.