Focus on a unique concept: rodbuidling training on the road
The most difficult thing about starting a business, and rodbuilding in particular, is not learning the technique, but simply taking the plunge and daring to take the plunge. This is often due to th...
The tip of your fishing rod under the microscope!
The butt of a fishing rod is a parameter that the vast majority of anglers take into account for aesthetic reasons only. Yet it is a factor that influences a large part of your practice, positively...
Rodhouse's Prodigy x8 braid, a real hit with anglers!
While Rodhouse's primary vocation is to enable anglers to assemble their own fishing rods, it is also committed to providing all enthusiasts with technical, high-performance products at affordable ...
Changing a Guide is a skill every angler should master!
Every angler, whether by his or her own doing or not, is confronted at some time or other with damage to his or her equipment, and especially to his or her rod. While such damage is sometimes irrep...
Build your first custom fishing rod
Want to build your own fishing rod, but don't know where to start? With a little patience and the right tools, anyone can build their own rod. It's a unique opportunity to personalize your equipmen...
The right selection of equipment for your trip to Norway
For some years now, Norway has been a leading destination for sport fishing enthusiasts. It combines a change of scenery, exceptional panoramas and extraordinary fishing quality, thanks to rigorous...
Spiral assembly: more than an option, a revolution!
Some Casting rods have an unconventional look that intrigues the uninitiated. Indeed, you will sometimes see assemblies where the guides are not aligned, but instead rotate around the blank. This i...
Understanding rod actions and correct applications
A blank is characterized by 3 factors: length, power and action. While the first two are often easy to choose and to relate to your practices, “action” is a much more difficult parameter to define,...
Essential equipment for beginning rodbuilding
In the same way, assembling your own rod doesn't require a great deal of insurmountable technical skill, and you don't need a special workshop with a plethora of equipment. However, a minimum set o...