
Fly fishing for carp with Ed the fisherman

La pêche de la carpe à la mouche avec Ed le pêcheur

Carp fly fishing in funny funny funny mode.

With this summer's hot weather, Trout fishing (my favorite kind of fishing) was more than complicated. So when my buddy Max gave me a call offering to catch a few carp on the Fly, needless to say, I didn't hesitate ^^. He quickly briefed me on the flies to take: red Fly, black and orange nymph and floating imitation croaker. Rhoooo the Carp in Dry fly it smells good the ecstasy this business. Before joining him, I assemble a few imitations. As for the chiro and nymph imitations, I'm pretty good at those, but a kibble imitation ...... I'm going to do with what I've got in my flytying b*rd*l: brown deer hair mounted tightly, the whole thing cut with scissors and there you have a nice little kibble (fly on the far right in the photo).

Presentation of flies for Fly fishing Carp

So I pick up Max and off to his spot . It's hot, very hot even. We're in the middle of a heat wave, and the water is green: not conducive to Fly fishing. Max tells me: "Don't worry, I'll get them to come ^^". Before mounting the rods, he tosses 2/3 handfuls of croquettes onto the spot. As I mount my MHX F908-4 on the EdMobile's ass, I can already hear the loud sucking noises the Carps are making on the surface. Hearing this very particular noise, I already know what I'm going to put on the end of my 20% fluoro: my floating kibble imitation. At the water's edge, the sight is impressive: some twenty carp weighing from 2 to 5 kg are feasting on the surface. Without missing a beat, I throw them into the broth. I can't take my eyes off my imitation. Suddenly, I see a big mouth swallowing my Fly. I wait for the poison to tip over and gently hook "Pendu!!!!!". A sick rush, my Silk 8 is not too much to counter this fish, the brake sings and ..... I unhook this pretty fish. Too bad ....

Blank in pressure while Fly fishing for Carp

Max says to me: "Your flies work pretty well, can you give me one? "lol. And soon after it's Max's turn to be hitched, still on the surface rhoooo the foot!!!! I already love fly fishing for Carp! I'd only touched small carp on bread when I was a kid, but here we're literally getting our arms torn off by fish in full possession of their means and strength despite the relatively warm water. The rushes are long and powerful. The fish know where the Obstacles are and use every means at their disposal to get us into the big pile of branches on the right of the spot. To tell you the truth, we're getting pretty roughed up. Throughout the afternoon, the catches follow one another, as well as the breaks and stalls.

For the first time, we're on the spot.

[caption id="attachment_1633" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Blank in pressure during a game of Fly fishing for Carp Looking for a fight? Try Fly fishing for Carp ;-)[/caption]

Blank under pressure while fly fishing for Carp

As soon as the Carp are less present on the spot, we throw back some croquettes and here comes the festival all over again: I love fishing when it happens like that ^^. This is how I would pulverize my previous record (which was 500gr) in the first instance with this beautiful mirror of 5.5Kg :

Big fish caught fly fishing for Carp

Then this gem of a 6.5Kg common carp that took me more than 10 minutes to get to the bottom of my landing net, my arm was on fire and I got my T-shirt very wet: On a Fly rod the fight with such a fish is Dantesque, really!!!

[caption id="attachment_1626" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Big fish caught Fly fishing for Carp Fly fishing for Carp makes you happy. It's scientific...[/caption]

As the AM progresses, the less our playing partners seem to want to gobble up our floating imitations (don't just take them for idiots after all), it's the perfect time to try my big red chiros imitations. For this method of nymph fishing, as the color of the water doesn't allow us to fish by sight, the method is simple: cast into the pack and simply watch the tip of your Silk, which acts as a touch detector. At the slightest suspicious movement of your line, you have to strike. After 5 minutes, I literally had the Silk ripped from my hands, it spun like a bullet, I lifted my rod, no doubt too firmly, and was punished by a resounding break. At least my chiros work. I put the same fly back on and a few moments later, a new start as they say in carp jargon. This time, my leader holds firm. A nice little mirror weighing around 3 kg ends up at the bottom of my line.

Big fish caught Fly fishing for Carp

Family obligations force me to stop the session there. My arm hurts, I'm sweaty and I'm "thirsty like a thief" as we say in Picardy. Time to go home ;o)

You guessed it, I've had a hell of a time. Fly fishing for carp is possible and, frankly, a lot of fun: the battles are long, powerful, violent and uncertain right up to the end. In short, everything we love!!!

Anyway, as soon as I can I'm going back, Ed's word!

Ed had already made good use of his MHX F908-4 in the Seychelles ...

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