Traditional fishing, yes, but with quality equipment!

At first glance, Toc fishing for Trout seems relatively simple, even simplistic. The equipment is reduced to its simplest expression: line, sinkers and a hook or leaded nymph. In reality, this is one of the most complex forms of Trout fishing, where the angler must constantly adapt his sinker, bait and line to each position encountered. The fishing action consists in picking out each vein of water, guiding the line in such a way as to present the bait, carried by the current, in the most natural way possible. The touch is manifested by a simple slowing down or stopping of the drift. Spontaneity and concentration are essential. This type of fishing requires the right equipment to optimize casting and line control while offering optimum resonance and progressiveness. Start configuration

Matching blanks

Blanks need to be good casters, mainly on light weights (0.5gr nymphs for example), while retaining the precision, suppleness and roundness required to avoid unhooking the fish. The combination of roundness and resonance is essential for this type of precision fishing, where you have to pick out every vein of water and hook in a quarter of a second. There's no room for error when fishing for Trout with a Toc: every mistake pays off! The fish will often refuse the bait if it's badly presented, and if it's hooked, it will jump, tumble down the current and easily become unhooked.

The Blanks we've selected each have their own area of expertise, from small streams to large rivers. They will allow you to pass both leaded nymphs and natural baits. We have opted for three blanks that will allow you to combine efficiency in fishing action and control of the fight. These blanks offer the possibility of going down on very fine lines in the leader, while still being able to direct the fight on a big fish. They come in 2 or 4 equal sections. Length and power can be adapted to suit the fishing spots.

  1. FANY 11' #2 A 3m35, 4-strand blank, originally designed for Fly fishing and more specifically for Tightline nymphing. It has proved excellent for Toc fishing. Thin, light and responsive, this 4-strand blank is the one most appreciated by Rodhouse team prostaffs for this program.
  2. PPS130L-2 3m95, 2-10g, 2 sections : This blank is suitable for medium to large rivers. The curve is superb in combat. Very comfortable on natural baits or leaded nymphs. This is a very progressive blank. The finish is matt black. Excellent value for money.
  3. ST1302-2 DELTA 3.96m 2-9g, 2 sections : This blank has the same characteristics as the PPS130L-2. Manufactured by North Fork composites, this blank is from the Delta series. The blank has a ringed finish. This finish means less line sticking to the blank.
FANY 1102-4 FANY 1102-4

En stock




Value for money

Choose this blank
PPS 130 L-2 PPS 130 L-2

En stock




Value for money

Choose this blank
ST 1302-2 Delta ST 1302-2 Delta

En stock




Value for money

Choose this blank

Our recommended handles

We offer 2 very different handle kits. Your choice of handle will depend on your fishing habits and the way you handle your rod.

  1. Split grip kit with Fuji VSS16 reel seat : This cork handle kit is a classic. It's not specifically designed for Toc rods, but it provides a comfortable grip, like any other rod for predators, with a reel foot 35cm from the butt for example.
  2. Toc sliding handle kit : This cork handle kit consists of a small butt, a long 35cm cork grip in top flor quality and a sliding reel seat. This handle kit allows you to place the reel foot perfectly and easily at the right Distance.

For the FANY 11#2 blank, we offer a 3rd Down Locking handle kit, which places the weight of the reel as far back as possible.

Compatible guides

Traditional Toc rods are fitted with raised guides. The aim is to prevent the line from sticking to the blank in wet weather. These Fuji Guide packs are available in Inox Alconite or Inox Sic finishes.

The Titanium Torzite finish is available with tunnel guides closer to the blank than for lure fishing. The glide and lightness offered by these Guides compensate for this difference. Especially as it's not every day you get to fish in the rain.

Summary of your configuration

Here are the details of the items to add to your basket for the following configuration: Trout fishing with Tocs

Element Product name Price
NB : La configuration suivante n'est pas une canne déjà montée. Il s'agit de l'ensemble des éléments vous permettant de vous construire votre canne à pêche.