Philippe Cunningham


Théziers, France
Pro. Rodbuilder
Before being a rodbuilder, I'm first and foremost passionate about fishing... any kind of fishing that involves luring a fish!

From Perch to Tuna, from Trout to Asp, from UL lures to Pike on bigbait or any species that will take a fly... in any environment, confined, large rivers, sea.

I love technique, understanding what you need to do to lure the fish you're stalking and thinking about the things you do and why you do them. It's all about lure choices, assemblies and techniques.

Also, when I realized that the rod played a primordial, even central role in this quest, I integrated it into my "fishing system" to optimize its performance and behavior. In fact, I've been rodbuilding since I was a kid, when my uncle and I used to build our rods on the beaches of the south-west in Surf Casting, but it's become almost the central point of my "fishing" approach now.

So I've built rods for myself, for all the techniques and all the fish I track: Fly, Lure, Popping, EXO, all freshwater predators, and many marine species too, with an optimization approach every time. Only the result counts...

Philrods was born of this approach to excellence. I fish with the very best in terms of Blanks, and I wanted others to benefit from it.

My approach as a professional editor is the same: optimization, technicality, the sharpest possible solution. My goal is to work with you to develop the rod that matches your presentation, your tastes and your preferences. I'll spend as much time as necessary to understand what you want from it. Together, we'll select the blank and the components.

You'll have YOUR rod, the one that suits YOUR tastes. Unique. The one that will change your fishing. Because yes, fishing with a custom-made rod that perfectly matches your expectations changes your fishing experience.

I can also help you with your own Rodbuilding project, helping you to make your own baskets in Rodhouse for example, or coaching you in my workshop or at your home (depending on distance, of course). I can also repair, refurbish or recondition your rod which has aged and needs to be upgraded.

See you soon to discuss your project, whatever it may be.



Pro. Rodbuilder

Favourite species

Bar , Brochet , Sandre , Thon blanc , Truite

Favourite techniques

Nymphe au fil , Pêche à gratter , Sharpshooting , Swimbait


Does not have a boat


No lodge

Phone number

My favorite products

Statement 724 Original
CB 704-1 IM


SWB 807-1 IM


SJ 762-1 HM


TR82 M Big Game

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