Outils essentiels pour construire votre canne à pêche avec succès

Essential tools for building a successful fishing rod

Discover the essential tools for building your own fishing rod. Expert advice and practical tips for successful construction.

The materials needed to build a fishing rod

Discover the very first video in our tutorial that will enable you to build and customize your fishing rod.

The Assembly bench

You can buy it ready-made, but you can also make your own. It consists of 2 supports on the main bench and a removable support that you can place on the left or right to work exactly where you want on the rod. A reel support and therefore a small movable ruler to be able to work.


A reamer is an abrasive-coated gun used to size the inside diameter of the foams to the diameter of the blank where you want to place your part. So you can, if you want to make it yourself, just salvage some old fishing rod sections, just leave a gap between the abrasive strips to deburr and get the EVA out.

The glue

You're also going to need glue. Epoxy glue works very well. You'll find it in our online store, among other places. There's liquid or gel epoxy, but that's not the most important thing.

The varnish

It's very important to take a varnish that's dedicated to varnishing Wrappings. It's generally sold with syringes, bearing in mind that you really need to dose the mixture at 50/50 and act with care on it.

A white pencil

This grease pencil is used to mark marks on the blank to mark where you're going to place the rings in the axis of the blank. It is used to trace and take marks.

A spirit lamp

Very important! It will help you debulk your varnishes. It's a magical little miracle product that works very, very well. Its advantage is that you have a small jet of air that directs the flame in an ultra-precise way that notably helps get rid of air bubbles.


The brushes will enable you to apply your varnish to the Wrapping.

A burnisher

This is a plastic tool used solely to tighten the Wrapping when you bind your rings.

Ligature wire

There's no point in using mom's sewing thread, it won't work the same. You really need a thread that's made for it.

Household alcohol

To fill the alcohol lamp and to remove all traces of glue once you've glued your elements.

A razor blade, cutter or scalpel

This tool will enable you to cut cleanly.


It will enable you to scratch the blank before gluing the parts.

You now have all the cards in hand to make your fishing rod in the right conditions. Most of these tools and accessories can be found in our Rodhouse store. Don't hesitate to visit it: www.rodhouse.fr.

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Comment choisir les anneaux pour votre canne à pêche

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