RainShadow blanks embody innovation, quality craftsmanship and durability, forming the quintessence of every blank from this renowned brand. As a visionary of blanks for all applications, Mike Thorson, the blanks designer at RainShadow, a company based in Sequim, Washington, USA, uses the most refined processes and quality materials to create these true gems of technology. Batson Enterprises, RainShadow's parent company, is committed to enhancing fishing experiences for all, by offering top-quality products and services at reasonable prices. To better serve the fishing industry, Batson offers a wide range of products to meet the varied demands of rodbuilders and ensure the availability of the perfect rod for every specific need. Each RainShadow blank is meticulously designed, manufactured and tested to ensure superior quality in terms of performance and reliability. The constant quest for excellence positions RainShadow blanks as a preferred choice among fishing enthusiasts in search of unrivalled quality.
203 cm
4 lb - 6 lb
3/16 - 1/2 oz
188 cm
4 lb - 10 lb
1/4 - 1/16 oz
213 cm
10 lb - 25 lb
1 - 3/8 oz
155 cm
2 lb - 4 lb
3/16 - 1/16 oz
163 cm
2 lb - 6 lb
3/16 - 1/32 oz
229 cm
10 lb - 20 lb
2 - 3/8 oz
203 cm
6 lb - 14 lb
1/2 - 3/16 oz
243 cm
15 lb - 25 lb
213 cm
10 lb - 17 lb
218 cm
6 lb - 12 lb
3/8 - 1/8 oz
274 cm
10 lb - 17 lb
1 - 3/8 oz
198 cm
20 lb - 40 lb
7 - 4 oz
218 cm
10 lb - 17 lb
3/4 - 5/16 oz
243 cm
50 lb - 100 lb
12 - 6 oz
182 cm
60 lb - 100 lb
229 cm
6 lb - 12 lb
3/8 - 1/8 oz
213 cm
15 lb - 30 lb
3 - 3/4 oz
213 cm
50 lb - 130 lb
198 cm
6 lb - 12 lb
3/8 - 1/8 oz
168 cm
50 lb - 130 lb
203 cm
2 lb - 6 lb
3/16 - 1/32 oz
229 cm
15 lb - 25 lb
203 cm
2 lb - 6 lb
3/16 - 1/32 oz
Questions fréquentes
Where does the Rainshadow brand come from?
Where does the Rainshadow brand come from?
Rainshadow is the Batson Group's brand of blanks. These blanks are produced in Asia and designed by Mike Thorson, a former St Croix designer.
What's Rainshadow's strong point?
What's Rainshadow's strong point?
Rainshadow blanks feature remarkable strength, exceptional high-pitched resonance and a design specifically adapted to lure fishing.
What does the Rainshadow range of blanks consist of?
What does the Rainshadow range of blanks consist of?
Rainshadow offers a wide range of blanks including: Eternity RX10, Immortal, RX6, RX7, RX8, Revelation, Tuna Popper, ... and many more!
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