LightHouse 10 ' #2

305 cms
Tip : 1.6 mm
Sale price 161,70€
In stock SKU : LH1002-4
Sauvegarder le produit
Blank tested and controlled
Secure, durable packaging
Overstress test performed on shipment

Fiche technique


10' - 305 cm

Power (#)




Weight (g)

40 g

Parts Count

4 sections

Butt Measurement (mm)

9.32 mm

Tip Measurement (mm)

1.6 mm

Tip guide recommandation


IP Rating (g)

82.0 g

AA Rating (°)



Rodbuilders' Republic

Product Range


Blank measurement chart

Spacing from butt (cm) Ø Diameter (mm)
5 9.14
10 8.95
15 8.85
20 8.62
25 8.48
30 8.28
35 8.15
40 7.95
45 7.77
50 7.31

Product description

A good blank should be particularly resonant.

Tightline nymphing requires a long, light rod that allows you to cast a two-nymph assembly with ease, control its drift and feel how the nymphs behave in the water.

Specific to Tightline nymphing, a good blank needs to be particularly resonant, so as to transmit bottom contacts as well as hits, which can be subtle. Thanks to their geometry and light weight, Lighthouse blanks are magnificently sensitive, even on light assemblies.

In the specifications, we had in mind that the nymph angler may decide at any time to change fishing mode and take out line to attack a Dry fly gobble. In other cases, he may prospect with a large dry fly and a nymph in tandem. So these Blanks also had to be perfectly capable of whipping a Silk.


Their responsiveness and precise tip control make them excellent casters, a delight on fine line. The size, power and versatility of our blanks make them ideal for typical European rivers and fishing styles. Their glare-free satin finish allows particularly discreet approaches, crucial when fishing for wary fish at short distances.


Our power recommendations specify both ball sizes for weighted nymphs, and Silk numbers.

Recommended nymphs: 2.2 - 4mm balls Recommended silks: normal WF2 to light WF3.

Questions fréquentes

Nous sommes disponibles du lundi au vendredi de 8h à 12h30 et de 14h à 18h.Temps de réponse moyen : 1h

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Laurent K
Finesse et précision

Un blank fin, dont l'action est parfaitement équilibrée entre la douceur nécessaire pour une utilisation sur nymphes légères, et la fermeté nécessaire au contrôle de la ligne et au combat.

Olivier Bonroy
Lighthouse 10´ #2

Très bon blank, bonne résonance, le blank est parfait pour la nymphe.

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