Sizing guide
Sizing guide
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Product description
If the Stella SW or Twin Power SW reels are out of your price range, the Saragossa is the best for the money. Or perhaps you want a less expensive alternative, or a different-sized reel to give you multiple options. Whatever your motivation, the Saragossa is an excellent choice and contains much of the technology found in its more expensive brethren. Available in a wide range of sizes, from the compact 5000 to the 25000, there's sure to be a model to suit your fishing style, and with Shimano's build quality and advanced technology, a new Saragossa will give you years of service and pleasure.
The reason Saragosa is so advanced, yet relatively affordable, is a matter of evolution. As Shimano develops ever more advanced technology for its high-end models like the Stella, slightly older technology is passed on. Take a look at the features of the Saragosa and you'll be more than impressed - in fact, it's more advanced than the previous version of the Stella! A full range of HAGANE technologies, InfinityDrive and X-Protect (IPX8) for the ultimate in saltwater protection, the list is almost endless. The result is a reel you'll be proud to use in any situation.
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