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Monteur professionnel

Pechou Rod Design

À propos

7 rue des coutiourlious, 40230, Orx

The Rodbuiding adventure began for me in 2009, when fed up with changing rods every time something broke, I started repairing my own rods, then moved on to repairing those of my friends.

As time went by, the desire to go further in improving techniques naturally set in, working on spacing, on the spine and customization, all these new techniques enabled me to get a better feel for using the rods and to make the most of the blanks


At the time, it was much more complicated, most of the elements were ordered from the USA, and then Goulven and Rodhouse arrived, opening and facilitating access to Rodbuiding . I'd like to thank them.

The focus on exo came as my expatriate life unfolded, a few years in the Indian Ocean, then Gabon, Djibouti, French Guiana. Magnificent playgrounds and constraints for the rods. Exo is unforgiving of mistakes and can't be improvised, and what better way to test your creations than on-the-spot.


These experiences have allowed me to work on some top-quality rods, "Carpenter", "Ripple-Fisher", "Patriot Design" or even "Fisherman". Names that may not mean much to the average angler, but which resonate in the heads of those addicted to exotic fishing trips. All of them have one thing in common that sets them apart from the commercial branches: customization, wrapping, ligatures, everything is meticulous and it's naturally towards this type of realization that I turned.


All this to say that Pechou Rod Design is officially created, as some already know from receiving the invitation to the Facebook page...

Assembly, customization and repair of your exo rods but not only, I'm able to offer you all the creations you can think of, fly, carnassial, jig, ul, everything is feasible and customizable.

I also offer:

assemble your own rods with elements chosen from https://www.rodhouse.fr/fr/

assistance and advice if needed in your own assemblies.

For any information, you can contact me:

by e-mail: PechouRodDesign@orange.fr

on my Facebook page:Pechou Rod Design

or via the Rodhouse fanzone forum, where I often post :Fanzone