Choisir son blank Atrex pour la carpe

Choosing your Atrex blanket for Carp

Choose the Atrex blank for carp fishing. Discover its specific features and how it can improve your Carp fishing performance.

A few months ago, the first blanks for Atrex carp from American Tackle were listed on the site to complement Harrisson blanks. Given the popularity and quality of the blanks, the offer has doubled.

The different ranges of American Tackle blanks

Atrex blanks are reliable, lightweight, well-balanced, fast-acting and feature a matt 1k finish along the entire length of the blank. They come in 2 equal sections with reverse shanking.

Choosing your ATREX blank based on length and power

Although a blank can be used for many purposes, here's a table of Atrex blanks, sorted by length and power, showing the different models and what they can be used for.



ATREX 10' 2.75

Canal, boat, shallow or surface and itinerant fishing.

ATREX 10' 3.5

Canal fishing, long distance boat fishing, shallow area, roving fishing. But also Pike with Dead bait and light Catfish.

ATREX 10' SPOD 4,25

Ideal for casting medium spods up to 115 m (125 yards)

ATREX 12' 2.5

Surface fishing, float fishing for bream and tench and light techniques for Carp

ATREX 12" 3.5

Very versatile blank, very good for most bottom fishing.

ATREX 12" 3.75

For fishing that requires power (current and/or Obstacle), heavy casts and use of soluble bag.

ATREX 12" SPOD 4,75

Ideal for casting medium spods up to 137 m (150 Yards)

ATREX 12.6" 3.5

Very versatile blank, very good for most medium to long distance bottom fishing.

ATREX 13" 3.5

For fishing that requires power (current and/or Obstacle), long distance fishing, and use of soluble bag.

ATREX 13" 3,75

Extreme distance, long range, and heavy weights.

Choosing your ATREX blank based on your fishing program

Another way to find your blank, depending on your fishing program.



A long distance

12ft 3.75lb, 13ft 3.5lb, 13ft 3.75lb

In big river

13ft 3.5lb, 13ft 3.5lb

With Obstacle

10ft 3.5lb, 12ft 3.5lb, 13ft 3.5lb

By boat

10ft 2.75lb, 10ft 3.5lb

Pond Pleasure rod

10ft 2.75lb, 12ft 2.5lb, 12ft 3.5lb

Board lake

12ft 3.5lb, 12ft 3.75lb, 13ft 3.5lb, 13ft 3.75lb

In small rivers

12ft 2.5lb, 10ft 2.75lb, 10ft 3.5lb, 12ft 3.5lb

Accessories available for an American Tackle blank

To mount these blanks, American tackle has released a range of very well thought-out components. These include grips inEVA/Duplon, "comfort" and "carbon" reel seats, butts, as well as a range of VORTEX rings without ceramic but compatible with braid. Ideal for long distance casting.

Handle kits and ring packs are made to help you choose the elements. It's never been easier to assemble a Carp rod!

Easily configure your fishing rod for Carp

NEW: "carp" stories are now available in the configurator.

carp in boats

Carp on "Pleasure" rods

Carp in a large lake from the shore

Reading next

L'incidence de la coupe des blanks sur l'IP et l'AA
Le blank : comment le choisir ?

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