
Choosing your rod rings made easy - Types of rings explained

Choisir ses anneaux de canne en toute simplicité - Types d'anneaux expliqués

Choosing your cane rings made easy.

Ring types.

Making your own fishing rod may seem difficult at first. All rodbuilders have asked themselves the same questions when assembling their first rod. How do I choose the various components that will make up my handle? Which rings should I choose? And many more ...

The point that seems to come up most often is the choice and placement of rings. This step, which seems so complicated, is in fact probably the simplest. I'll explain why in several articles that I hope will help you choose the rings that suit you.

The different types of rings.

Before getting into the details of the Assembly itself, I'd like to offer you a focus on the different rod ring finishes. Rodhouse distributes the Fuji brand and has selected the best finishes for distribution in France. Thus, two types of frame, INOX 316 and Titanium, and three types of ceramics, Alconite, SIC and Torzite are available. Other, lower-quality finishes exist but are of less interest and are not stocked by Rodhouse.


Most commercial rods are fitted with stainless steel and Alconite ceramic rings. These rings are, of course, available from Rodhouse and come in Metallic or Black finishes. These are the basic rod guides. They are the least expensive but also the heaviest. External corrosion can be more visible on glossy finishes, particularly Metallic.

Advantage: Attractive price. Outstanding value for money.

Disadvantages : Higher weight, more visible corrosion.


If you want to move upmarket, there are two finishes that I'd call intermediate. The change is in the ceramic and/or the framework.

SIC Gunsmoke rings feature a stainless steel frame and SIC ceramic. Two big advantages on these rings:

  • The matte finish avoids reflections, which is very interesting for fishing requiring absolute discretion. What's more, corrosion is much less noticeable on these finishes, and Gunsmoke coating is reputed to be one of the most effective in this respect.
  • SIC ceramic is much harder than Alconite. Friction resistance is greater , the heat dissipation coefficient better (very difficult to mark SIC ceramic) and there is a weight saving.

Benefits: Weight saving, better friction resistance, better corrosion resistance

Disadvantage : Higher price than Alconites.

The Titanium SIC rings are, as the name suggests, composed of a Titanium framework and SIC ceramic. These rings, with their totally corrosion-proof framework, are clearly top-of-the-range. The weight saving is very significant compared with Inox 316, and when you know that weight saving = better resonance / sensitivity ...

Benefits: Weight savings, better friction resistance, no corrosion.

Disadvantage : High price.

New features.

Two new finishes have joined Rodhouse stock, Frosted and Gold.

Frosted rings will gradually replace Fuji's Metallic-finish Alconites. According to Fuji's engineers, the quality of this coating is superior to that of the classic Metal Alco coating and equivalent to Gunsmoke quality.

Benefits: High corrosion resistance, attractive price.

Disadvantage : Weight of Inox 316.

For fans of Bling Bling, rhinestones and sequins : Gold SIC rings! The frame is made of stainless steel with a gold finish and SIC ceramic. They come close to the Gunsmoke rings without the matte finish.

Benefits: Weight savings, better friction resistance, INCOMPARABLE LOOK!

Disadvantage : Higher price than Alconites.

The very top of the range.

Finally the last cane rings to be presented are the Torzite rings. The frame is made of Titanium, but the ceramic is Torzite. This material is even harder than SIC, and even lighter. The ceramic is thinner than on other rings, and for the same size, the internal diameter of the ring is smaller, facilitating the passage of the connection knot. These are the best-performing rings sold in the Rodhouse store.


I'm often asked if it's necessary to equip your rod with a Torzite ramp. Here's my answer: If you want the best, the most performance, the lightest, then the Torzite is for you. In Formula 1, to gain 5 km/h, engineers are ready to install parts worth millions of euros. It's the same for fishing. Torzite isn't essential, you can make fish without it. But at the moment it's simply the best there is when it comes to rings...

Benefits: Lightest rings on the market, finest and most friction-resistant ceramic, non-existent corrosion.

Disadvantage : Price

There, I think I've covered all the different finishes of cane rings distributed at Rodhouse.

The next article will deal with the fuji ring packs made by Rodhouse to facilitate the rodbuilder's choice.

On your marks, get set, RIDE!!!-)

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